
Welcome & Opening Remarks

Our conference will kick off with opening comments from Alex Urbani, CFA and President of MainStreet Advisors. This session will include an overview of the conference agenda, along with a discussion of our conference theme “Partner for Success.”


MainStreet Advisors

Labor Lessons from Abroad 

Jeff Korzenik and Daisuke (Jaewoo) Nakajima will share their thoughts on the labor markets. The U.S. labor shortage has become a top concern among business leaders. Our falling birth rates, retiring Baby Boomers and political gridlock over immigration suggest that the lack of worker supply will stoke inflation and crimp growth – a seemingly intractable problem. Yet, other countries have faced similar demographic challenges and offer lessons for the American business community.  Jeff and Jaewoo have examined Japan’s incredible success in growing its workforce even as that nation’s population outright declined. In this session they will share their unique research and a message applicable to all employers.


Senior Vice President, Chief Economist
Fifth Third Commercial Bank


SG Brands

Market and Economic Perspectives 

In this session, Tom McKinstry will examine what MainStreet Advisors views as the most important characteristics of the current economic and market environment for long-term investors. He will then summarize MainStreet’s recommended asset allocation and positioning within the current environment. Finally, Tom will provide the investment team’s outlook over the next six to twelve months including the most significant potential market catalysts and risks.

Photo of Thomas McKinstry


Chief Investment Officer
MainStreet Advisors

Your Money Story 

Your clients are constantly making financial decisions in their daily lives, but few stop to think about why they make those decisions. A decision that seemed rational at the time might be a regrettable one later, leaving a client wondering, “Why did I do that?” It’s because they have a unique history with money, or “money story,” that’s influencing their financial decision-making in ways they don’t even realize. In this presentation, Mike Lynch will guide attendees on how to discover your own money story, how your ‘money story’ impacts the way you save, spend, invest, and gift money, and how to change your ‘money story’ to make better financial decisions.


Managing Director / Applied Insights
Hartford Funds

Opportunities In Fixed Income 

The Federal Reserve embarked on their tightening cycle exactly one year ago, raising the Target Rate to 5.00%.  During this time, the fixed income market has experienced tremendous volatility on this march higher.  The old adage goes, volatility creates opportunities.  In this session, MainStreet Advisors’ Fixed Income team will discuss current fixed income conditions, opportunities for investors, and recap the various strategies of the organization. 


Co-Chief Fixed Income Officer
MainStreet Advisors

Referral Code

Maura Scherer’s presentation “The Referral Code” is based on years of research on how top financial professionals have succeeded in cracking the code to building strategic partnerships with centers of influence. Financial professionals often recognize that estate attorneys and accountants have clients that they, too, would like to have. However, building a strategic partnership that leads to an annuitized flow of referrals can be difficult and frustrating. Maura will share research and insights as she walks through the steps to building and maintaining strategic partnerships. 


Director of Consulting Solutions
Invesco Global Consulting

Will Geopolitics Remain Market-Relevant?  

In this presentation, Matt Gertken will share his insights into the geopolitical landscape. Last year a major geopolitical shock coincided with a global bear market. But geopolitical risk and policy uncertainty fell toward the end of the year, helping fuel a relief rally driven by a slowdown in central bank hikes. Now the rally is running out of steam as inflation and tight monetary policy persist. Will geopolitical risk revive or stay restrained, enabling central banks to work in peace? And while all investors keep an eye on Russia and China, are they missing huge risks to energy supply from the Middle East? Matt will share his insights into the geopolitical landscape and what he sees on the horizon.


Chief Strategist
Geopolitical Strategy/U.S. Political Strategy
BCA Research

Depth Charting – Planning Ahead!

There has never been a time where having a strong depth chart is more critical. Most organizations have faced unprecedented turnover of staff – whether from retirements or defections. While succession planning is a routine process, it often neglects the real issue – how does the organization function if a key person “disappears”?  This session will cover Productivity and Employee Metrics, Depth Charting (How and Why), Addressing Capability Gaps, Building your Team and Addressing Capacity Gaps. 

E. Loyd Pohl

Chief Executive Officer
Pohl Consulting and Training, Inc.